Backyard Bible Club

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Backyard Bible Club por Mind Map: Backyard Bible Club

1. Beth and kids would probably do another week.

2. Beth, Erin J, ?? - Single girls

2.1. Would need more core kids

3. Host Home Possibilities

3.1. Liberty Park

3.1.1. Liesl - Lead

3.1.2. Beth, Sarah, Becky

3.2. NSL

3.2.1. Faith - Lead

3.2.2. Courtney, Jenni, Patti

3.3. Cottonwood

3.3.1. Christy - Lead

3.3.2. Jacque, Siew, Mary

3.4. Sugarhouse

3.4.1. Julie S - Lead

3.5. ?? West Valley City

3.5.1. Amber - Lead

4. Curriculum

4.1. Ideas

4.1.1. Will need to come up with your own craft ideas, games, skits

4.1.2. Answers in Genesis?


5. Program

5.1. Welcome/Play time

5.2. Songs

5.3. Story/Lesson Time

5.4. Craft

5.5. Game

5.6. Snack

6. Plant Camp Connect

6.1. Helps advertise on Monday night

6.2. Helps launch on Tuesday morning - face paint, balloons, etc but not involved in runnning majority of event.

6.3. Run carnival on Saturday

7. Coordinator - LIESL

7.1. Point person to help equip and organize the other club leaders.

7.2. Help recruit partner leaders with house hosts

7.3. Could host a group at their house

7.4. Wouldn’t have to be there for all of them or lead them all

7.5. Communicate and train curriculum and program

7.6. Check in with leaders after each club to answer questions, encourage, challenge, pray

7.7. Host Home Leader

7.7.1. Build connections with neighbor moms

7.7.2. Run the club - be the main teacher responsible for everything, but can delegate aspects to team

7.7.3. Organize partner leaders roles

7.7.4. Have a clean yard, cut grass, and bathroom

7.7.5. Be ready 15 minutes before advertised time

7.7.6. Prepare and internalize the lesson so that teaching can be dynamic and impactful

7.7.7. Partner Leader Assist host home leader in teaching, games, crafts, snack or music Run crowd control during teaching Come early to setup Stay late to cleanup

8. Dates

8.1. Plant Camp 1 - Tuesday, June 23-27

8.1.1. Same at each house Four days. Could modify a five day already written one

8.2. Plant Camp 2 - Tuesday, July 7-11

8.3. PlantCamp 3 - Tuesday, July 21-25

8.4. Plant Camp 4 - Tuesday, July 27- Aug 1

9. Overall Plan

9.1. 4 different clubs. One for each of the weeks of plant camp

9.2. 4 different locations

9.3. Tuesday-Friday club + a Saturday Carnival

9.4. 3 families partner as ministry team for a week for Prayer, canvassing, running program, showing up at Carnival for relational and mom connect

9.5. Target: Smaller club size. Lighter program.

10. Core Values and Goals

10.1. Considerations from previous years

10.1.1. Years prior - ROI (output vs return) very few nieghborhood guests as well very few guests brought by GGC kids

10.1.2. 8 week every Tuesday commitment for guests and ministry team is difficult with competing schedules

10.2. Intentional Evangelism - outward facing in individual neighborhoods

10.3. Intentional Evangelism - Reach different neighborhoods and people by offering multiple locations and time options throughout the summer

10.4. Life-touching-life community - Simplify a program to maximize kid interaction and parent connects before and after group (both with guests and ministry team)

10.5. Goals

10.5.1. Shoot for 6-8 core GGC kids

10.5.2. 5 visitors