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ME por Mind Map: ME

1. Mulitiple intelligence

1.1. Higher: Interpersonal, Musical, Bodily-kinesthetic and intrapersonal

1.2. Lower: Naturalistic, Visual-Spatial, Verbal-Lingustic, Logical-Mathematical

2. Emotional Intelligence

2.1. above average score: good at interpreting, understanding, and acting upon emotions

2.2. good dealing with social or emotional conflicts, expressing their feelings, and dealing with emotional situations

3. Successful intelligence

3.1. Highest: Creative thinking

3.2. Lowest: Analytical thinking

4. Building Excellence

4.1. Environmental Preferences: Low light, cool temperature, informal seating,

4.2. Psychological Preferences: integrated, reflective, afternoon

5. Values and Goals

5.1. Earning an A.A degree

5.2. Becoming the best that I could be.

6. CHOICES Interest Profiler

6.1. Social

6.2. Investigative

6.3. Enterprising

7. Personality Spectrum

7.1. Higher: Giver and adventurer

7.2. Lower: Organizer and thinker