Short oral activities

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Short oral activities por Mind Map: Short oral activities

1. Activities

1.1. Roll the ball

1.2. Dating

1.3. Where the hell is Matt?

1.4. Favourite word

1.5. Find someone in class who...

1.6. Leraning a Christmas song


1.7. I like... I love... I hate

1.8. Guess the place

1.9. Corruption in Spain


1.10. What do you know about History?


2. Objectives

2.1. Improve pronunciation

2.2. Talk without hesitation

2.3. Structure the speaking

2.4. Use a variety of vocabulary and expressions

2.5. Participate in different discussions

3. Contents

3.1. are based on

3.1.1. Functions and sociolinguistic aspects

3.1.2. Organization of speech

3.1.3. Lexical and semantic aspects

3.1.4. Morphosyntax

3.1.5. Ortography

3.1.6. Pronunciation and intonation

4. Evaluation

4.1. Use of a rubric

4.1.1. Pronunciation

4.1.2. Fluency

4.1.3. Organization

4.1.4. Vocabulary

4.1.5. Grammar

4.1.6. Participation

4.1.7. Organization

5. A project by Anna Navarro, Salut Llonch and Xoán Carlos Díaz

6. Final thought

6.1. Necessity of a wide range of activities

6.2. Mixture of different motivational speaking activities in class

6.3. Enthusiasm of teachers is basic