Computer Assisted Language Learning

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Computer Assisted Language Learning por Mind Map: Computer Assisted Language Learning

1. advantages

1.1. more continuous connection to target language

2. disadvantages

3. What is CALL?

4. What is e-learning?

5. digital flashcards

5.1. augmentation

5.1.1. functional improvement

5.2. modification

5.2.1. task redesign

5.3. redefinition

5.3.1. creation of previously inconceivable tasks

5.4. visual stimulation

6. media

7. collaboration

8. spaced learning

9. learner autonomy

10. role of teachers

11. networks

12. self-study

13. computer + internet

13.1. authentic L2 ressources

13.2. speech recognition

13.3. audio output

13.4. onlin exercises

13.5. electronic dictionaries

14. learning theory

14.1. communicative

15. language theory

15.1. construcitivism

16. virtual classrooms