George Wilson

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George Wilson por Mind Map: George Wilson

1. Strengths

1.1. Very social

1.1.1. May respond well to collaboration or peer influence

1.2. Good at video games

1.2.1. May respond well to academically based games

1.3. Good at chess

1.3.1. May have developed problem solving skills

1.4. Manager for ross country and track teams

1.4.1. Leadership skills

2. Challenges

2.1. Remembering processes

2.1.1. May require visual reminders Class schedule on desk etc.

2.2. Organization

2.2.1. May require assistance with note taking

2.3. Reading Fluency and Comprehension

2.4. Writing

2.5. Articulation and Fluency

3. Diagnosis: Communication/​Speech Disorders

3.1. Not eligible for ESY

3.2. Difficulty comprehending Math problems

3.2.1. Stems from comprehension difficulty

3.3. Motor planning difficulties

3.3.1. May stem from oganizational difficulty

4. IEP Goals

4.1. Mathematics

4.1.1. 80% on Grade level Math problems Benchmarks monitored through PEMDAS

4.2. Fluency and articulation

4.2.1. Will have correct mouth formation 80% of the time

4.3. Motor planning

4.3.1. Ability to open lock to locker

5. Accommodations

5.1. Take exams in a small group, alternate location, with frequent breaks.

5.2. Mathematics Resource Room

5.3. Speech Therapy

5.4. Occupational Therapy

5.5. Frequent checks for understanding

5.6. Visual aids

5.7. Breaking information and assignments into smaller chunks.