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Interests por Mind Map: Interests

1. "Applied"

1.1. Computer Science

1.1.1. Coding

1.1.2. Hardware/Electronics Virtual Reality Wearable Tech Implantable Tech

1.1.3. Software Development

1.1.4. Machine Learning

1.1.5. Data Analysis + Insight

1.1.6. AI

1.1.7. Healthcare Technology

1.2. Writing and Literature

1.2.1. Literature and its value

1.2.2. The skill of writing well

1.2.3. Escapism

1.2.4. Writing to inform and teach

1.2.5. Blogging

2. "Theoretical"

2.1. Mathematics

2.2. Science

2.3. Philosophy

2.4. Economics

2.5. Psychology

2.6. History

3. "Enablers"

3.1. Efficiency and Organization

3.1.1. Agile

3.1.2. Kanban

3.1.3. Pareto

3.1.4. Pomodoro

3.1.5. Sleep cycles

3.1.6. Psychology of creativity

3.1.7. Hackers vs. Corporates

3.2. Personal Finance

3.3. Languages

3.4. Communication and Social Interaction

3.4.1. Negotiations

3.4.2. Cross-cultural challenges

3.4.3. Meaningful relationships

3.4.4. Gender dynamics

3.4.5. Trust

3.4.6. Communication strategies

3.5. Entrepreneurship

3.5.1. Inspiring companies

3.5.2. Creative companies

3.5.3. Successful companies

3.5.4. Leadership

3.5.5. Toughness

3.5.6. Tactics

3.6. Martial Arts

3.6.1. Self Defense

3.6.2. Competition

3.6.3. Health

3.7. Rapid Learning