
Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Strengths/Weaknesses por Mind Map: Strengths/Weaknesses

1. Strengths

1.1. Skills

1.1.1. Logic

1.1.2. Code

1.1.3. CS

1.1.4. Data Science

1.1.5. Writing/Editing

1.1.6. Selling/Presenting

1.1.7. Communicating - cross-cultural

1.1.8. Languages (potentially)

1.1.9. Finance (basics)

1.1.10. Planning and organizing

1.1.11. Digital

1.1.12. Healthcare ops

1.2. Character

1.2.1. Discipline/Determination

1.2.2. Curious

1.2.3. "Get things done"

1.2.4. Diplomatic

1.2.5. Creative

1.2.6. Self Aware

1.2.7. Can be alone

1.2.8. Able to evaluate others (?)

1.2.9. Adaptable - can work in alien environments

1.2.10. Can listen and give good advice

1.2.11. Competitive - but internally

2. Weaknesses

2.1. Skills

2.1.1. "Numbers"

2.1.2. Customer verification

2.1.3. Hardware/Electronics

2.1.4. "practical" skills

2.1.5. Memorization

2.1.6. Investment "big picture"

2.1.7. Design and art

2.1.8. Music

2.1.9. Repetitive tasks - eye for detail

2.2. Character

2.2.1. Arrogant

2.2.2. Stubborn

2.2.3. Cold

2.2.4. Blame others for own mistakes

2.2.5. Can lose the joy of the moment due to result focus

2.2.6. Crave recognition and praise

2.2.7. Impulsive

2.2.8. Overly self-involved

2.2.9. Impatient for results

2.2.10. Entitled

2.2.11. Can take criticism to heart too much

2.2.12. Try to learn too much/do too much

2.2.13. Not good at taking orders without understanding the reasons

2.2.14. Not sure when to give up

2.2.15. Not good at managing groups

2.2.16. Lacking charisma and natural leadership - more of a "loner"