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Trends por Mind Map: Trends

1. Technology

1.1. Wearables

1.2. Implantables

1.3. IoT

1.3.1. Analytics Cluster Computing

1.4. AI

1.5. Robotics

1.5.1. Segways etc.

1.5.2. Drones

1.5.3. Automated cars

1.6. VR

1.7. 3D printing

1.8. Cloud-based software

1.9. e-payments

1.9.1. e-wallets

1.10. Ubiquitous smartphones

1.10.1. 5G

1.11. Smart cities and smart homes

1.12. mhealth

1.12.1. I imagine that in the future people basically have the "clinic and doctor in their body" - with the need to go to an actual place to get fixed occurring less and less.

2. Social / Economic

2.1. Higher divorce rates

2.2. "Big Me"

2.3. Long Peace

2.4. Remote work

2.5. Rise of chronic disease

2.5.1. Alzheimer's

2.5.2. Diabetes

2.6. Ageing populations

2.7. Gradual decline of Europe

2.8. Merging of the public/private life

2.9. Continued instability in the Middle East, Russia, Iran

2.10. Surging China

2.10.1. More assertive with Japan

2.10.2. Stronger navy

2.10.3. Rise of Chinese international tourism

2.10.4. Higher wages in China New production / BPO destinations - Philippines, Indonesia

2.11. The first generation born with smarphones

2.11.1. Shorter attention spans

2.11.2. Changing social conventions

2.12. Continued right wing sentiment in Europe as middle class jobs vanish

2.13. More gay rights

2.14. Continued radical Islam and terrorism

2.15. Continued rise of the freelancer, fewer "jobs for life"

2.16. More products like Uber and AirBnB

2.17. Huge amounts of waste in the ocean from phones/plastics

2.18. Increased importance in renewable energy

2.18.1. Recycling

2.18.2. Water purification

2.18.3. Wind/Solar

2.18.4. Atomic energy

2.19. Rising city congestion

2.20. Rising inequality

2.20.1. But generally higher standards of living

2.20.2. And a safer world

2.21. Continued rise of virtual currency

2.22. Commercialization of space