Cloud Technology and its application

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Cloud Technology and its application por Mind Map: Cloud Technology and its application

1. Future Trends

1.1. Cloud devices with higher respond speed

1.2. Hybrid cloud become more common

2. Cloud technology application

2.1. Current example

2.1.1. Google drive Intoduction

2.1.2. Dropbox introduction

2.1.3. iCloud introduction

3. Advantages

3.1. Convenient

3.2. Mobility

3.3. Free of charge

3.4. Cost efficiency

4. Disadvantages

4.1. Not User-Friendly for non-internet user

4.2. Have Safety Concern

4.2.1. Privacy problem

4.2.2. Hacking

4.3. Probability of Lossing data

4.4. Low reliability

5. Cloud Technology

5.1. Background

5.2. Component

5.3. Types of cloud technology