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Minerals por Mind Map: Minerals

1. Examples

1.1. Diamonds

1.2. Fluorite

1.3. Acrylic

1.4. Calcite

1.5. Quartz

2. Properties

2.1. Luster

2.1.1. Brillant

2.1.2. Glassy

2.1.3. Dull

2.2. Color

2.3. Transparency

2.3.1. Translucent

2.3.2. Transparent

2.3.3. Opaque

2.4. Crystal shape

2.4.1. Cube

2.4.2. Octahedron

2.4.3. rhombohedron

2.4.4. Tetrahedron

2.5. Hardness

2.6. size

2.7. Light reflection

3. Defination

3.1. Natural

3.2. Nonliving

3.3. Solid

3.4. Has a Crystal Shape

4. Tie to rocks and geologist

4.1. Rocks can be found in some minerals

4.2. Geologist find the minerals

5. Rocks

5.1. Types

5.1.1. sedimentary

5.1.2. Metamorphic

5.1.3. Igneous

5.2. How each type is formed

5.2.1. Sedimentary Dead Organisms, Shells and rocks

5.2.2. Igneous Cooling Magma

5.2.3. Metamorphic High temperature/Pressure

5.3. Examples of each type

5.3.1. Sedimentary Coal

5.3.2. Igneous Kimberlite

5.3.3. Metamorphic Marble