The Naked Truth by Roger Welsch, 1993

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The Naked Truth by Roger Welsch, 1993 por Mind Map: The Naked Truth by Roger Welsch, 1993

1. Norms/Respect

1.1. outsiders feel weird

1.2. Distress/Embarrassed

1.3. nudity is normal

1.3.1. new norm -- cultural change and acceptance of the human body as natural Office of England -- did a naked day inspired by David Taylor Business Psychologists...

1.4. OR is the opposite -- Western world is opposed to nakedness, while other peoples around the world nakedness is the norm ... so we shift from nakedness -- to modesty -- and now we are going back to nakedness. ** THE ONLY CONSTANT IS CHANGE

1.4.1. Free the Nipple? Topless beaches -- difference NORMS

1.5. Slut shaming, raising awareness about the shaming women for dressing too provacitively and

2. Cultural Construct (we decide)

2.1. rules of behaviour are not absolute renegotiate them constantly

2.2. Immodesty, indecency are MUTUALLY NEGOTIABLE by cultures

2.2.1. out of ordinary means ?? Wallstreet - drugs/swearing

3. Farmers in USA

3.1. lawyer (ETIC) vs farmers (EMIC)

3.1.1. lawyer ethnocentric perspective on this subculture - judgement

3.2. canoers (ETIC)

3.3. written from the EMIC perspective

4. Scandinavians

4.1. Closed personalities & reserved

4.2. This is opposite of Sauna culture -- this may seem weird

4.3. Japanese Onsens - same situation

5. gender

5.1. both genders share the trust of the rules established

5.1.1. no looking/no judging "we had trusted her to not stare, laugh at our fat bodies"

5.1.2. would she have hesitated if it were all female

6. bias -- emic perspective, the lens showcases