Demostrative Pronouns: These pronouns help us position different objects, ...

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Demostrative Pronouns: These pronouns help us position different objects, things or people in the distance por Mind Map: Demostrative Pronouns:                        These pronouns help us position different objects, things or people in the distance

1. This (esta)

1.1. Examples

1.2. This sofa is uncomfortable

1.3. This is my favorite game

2. These (estas)

2.1. Examples

2.2. These man are tall

2.3. These are your tickets

3. how it is formed?

4. How it is formed?

5. That (esa, aquella)

5.1. Examples

5.2. That chair is big

5.3. That is our money

6. Those (esas, aquellas)

6.1. Examples

6.2. Those woman are beautiful

6.3. Those are your books