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FP1 por Mind Map: FP1

1. Matrix Algebra

1.1. The basics

1.2. Linear transformations

1.3. The inverse of a 2x2 matrix

1.4. Reversing transformations

1.5. The determinant and area

1.6. Simultaneous Equations

2. Series

2.1. The Formulae

2.2. Using the formulae

2.3. Using the formulae for series involving poynomials

3. Proof by Mathematical Induction

3.1. Seires

3.2. Divisibility

3.3. Recurrence relations

3.4. Matricies

4. Complex Numbers

4.1. The Basics

4.2. Complex Conjugates

4.3. Argand diagrams

4.4. The modulus argument form

4.5. Solving Polynomials

5. Numerical Solutions

5.1. Interval Bisection

5.2. Linear interpolation

5.3. Newton Raphson

6. Coordinate Systems

6.1. Parametric equations - the basics

6.2. Parabolas

6.3. Rectangular hyperbolas