The 5 Levels of Leadership

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The 5 Levels of Leadership por Mind Map: The 5 Levels of Leadership

1. Level 4. People development level.

1.1. the most appreciable asset of the company is the people

1.2. to develop the people

1.3. three thoughts on developing people

1.3.1. recruitment

1.3.2. positioning

1.3.3. equipping people (he five-step equipping process) I do it I do and you are with me You do it and I am with you You do it You do it and somebody is with you

2. Level 5. Pinnacle level.

2.1. keyword - "respect"

2.2. people absolutely follow you because of who you are

3. Level 3. Production level.

3.1. keyword - "results"

3.2. to help the bottom line of the company

3.3. the leader is the example for the followers

3.4. to create momentum

3.5. problem

4. Level 1. Position level.

4.1. keyword - "rights"

4.2. position doesn't make you a leader

4.3. reason: people follow you because they have to

4.4. upside: to shape and define the leadership

4.5. downside: people give you the very least of their time, ability, effort and mind

5. Level 2. Permission level.

5.1. keyword - "relationships"

5.2. reason: people follow you because they want to

5.3. three things to be a relational leader

5.3.1. to listen well

5.3.2. to observe

5.3.3. to learn

5.4. servant leader