7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization por Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Shang/Zhou During the Western Zhou period, goods circulated mostly through tribute and gift rather than trade, cities were noble fortresses, artisans were an hereditary caste of serfs attached to states or courts, and ministers and court members were chosen based on birth rather than talent

1.1. Economy and Trade

1.1.1. Sumerians economy was based on agriculture, which was influenced by major technological advances in Mesopotamian history. The Sumerians traded natural resources for food and other goods.

2. Sumerians worshiped nature such as wind and water. They found it necessary to bring order to that which they did not understand and to this end they came to the natural conclusion that a greater force was at work. The forces of nature were originally worshiped by themselves.

2.1. Shang/Zhou The Zhous religion was very different from the shangs it was based off or more spiritual and terrestrial thing.

2.2. Religion

3. Geography and Agriculture

3.1. Shang/ Zhou The Shang and Zhou civilization was created in a very fertile plain near a major river. They began to use the method of Shang style agriculture. They grew their own crops and built cities.

3.2. Sumerians Near the rivers themselves, the soil is extremely fertile. It is made up of rich mud brought down by the rivers from the mountains, and deposited over a wide area during the spring floods. When watered by means of irrigation channels, it makes some of the best farmland in the world.

4. Social Structure and Family Life

4.1. Sumerians Most of the population in ancient Mesopotamia were farmers, working small plots of land. Above them stood a very small elite group made up of the ruling classes - kings, courtiers, officials, priests and soldiers. Merchants and craftsmen also held a high position in society.

4.2. Shang/Zhou there were diffrent social classes. there were arisans and many others. men and women had specific jobs, Men mostly labor and women did things with chidern and house work.

5. Arts and Education

5.1. Shang/ Zhou Thye Shang and Zhou would inscribe divinations onto Oracle bones. They began o melt bronze and create thing out of iy.

5.2. SumeriansThe main forms of Mesopotamian art which have come down to us are sculptured figures in stone and clay. Few paintings have survived, though most sculpture was also painted.

6. Science and Technology

6.1. Shang/ Zhou - The Sang and Zhou were the first to develop a horse drawn carriage. The Shang and Zhou also developed the first system of writing. The Shang an Zhou began to craft things with bronze.

6.1.1. Sumerians Numerous technological advances can be attributed to the Mesopotamians: irrigation, the plough, the sail, clay bricks, the potters wheel, metal-working (including metal armour and weaponry), writing, accounting, filing, glass and lamp making, weaving and much more. They also developed an impressive body of scientific knowledge through close observation of the natural world.

7. Government and Leaders

7.1. Sumerians. The ancient Sumerians invented of government. The Sumerians government to organize labor, and officials would point out problems, and also work on construction problems. People could work together to form an economy by building canals and roads that made trading easier.

7.2. Shang/ Zhou The political system of the Western Zhou was characterized by the establishment of the numerous regional states mainly in East China. This served to stabilize the Western Zhou state, in the first place, but it also planted the seed for the future interstate conflict that took over China after the fall of the Western Zhou capital.