International trade

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International trade por Mind Map: International trade

1. Imports and Exports is very helpful to international relations.

2. advantages

2.1. It makes possible to offer products that exceed consumption to other market. Balance between scarcity or excess

3. disadvantages

3.1. irregular distribution of economic resources, price differences making debts

4. Free Trade and Protectionism

4.1. free trade is the idea of having no restrictions between commerce.

4.2. Protectionism holds that there must be a lot of rules in order two function well.

5. Top 10 countries with international trades

5.1. Europe Union

5.2. China

5.3. United States

5.4. Germany

5.5. Japan

5.6. France

5.7. Uk

5.8. South Korea

5.9. Hong Kong

5.10. Netherlands

5.11. Italy

6. WTO

6.1. World Trade Organizations

7. This organization is made to regulate and put on rules for the well development in international trades and relations

8. This practice has been used for centuries.

8.1. For example: Africa and Egypt trade with slaves

9. An is the exchange of capital, good, and services across international borders.

10. This type of relations between countries affect the direct economy in a country and in international relations.

11. this can have as result the increasing of labor and works in the countries.

11.1. this can grow the GDP

12. wee have two types of important definitions.

12.1. Import

12.1.1. you allow other products to enter into your country and this helps you to reach more domestic markets.

12.2. Export

12.2.1. Help expand your business by letting you reach new markets.