Relevance of the project

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Relevance of the project por Mind Map: Relevance of the project

1. Erasmus+ objectives

1.1. Participation in democratic life

1.2. Participation in labour market

1.3. Active citizenship

1.4. Intercultural dialogue

1.5. Social inclusion and solidarity

2. Organisations

2.1. Contribute to objectives of involved org.

3. Participants

3.1. Based on their needs and interests

3.2. Priority: fewer opportunities

4. Outcomes

4.1. Learning for participants

4.2. Level of Impact

5. Youth Exchange

5.1. Develop competences

5.2. Become aware of socially relevant topics

5.3. Reinforced capacity of org. for international cooperation

5.4. Discover new cultures

5.5. Habits and life-styles

5.6. Srengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship...