the year of the hangman : by gary black would

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the year of the hangman : by gary black would por Mind Map: the year of the hangman : by gary black would

1. setting map

1.1. egland

1.2. new orlens

2. depth and complecity icons

2.1. main ideas 1-3

2.1.1. rebellious teenager

2.1.2. there is potential in creighton

2.1.3. some times hardness and sacrifices help you reach your goal.

2.2. unanswerd questions ch 5-8

2.2.1. do crinton and sofe pick up the letters that he droped?

2.2.2. how will craton help his uncel?

2.2.3. will criton get cot in a war in the next fue chapters?

2.3. details ch 19-20

2.3.1. " your inmpliying that i am a spy i resent it!"

2.3.2. " i uesed a seprit peace of paper for the triyel and aire."

3. jrunel entry

3.1. in chapter 16 crinton saved dr franclen from dr ftanclens brunig printing shop. doctor facle was trying to save was the tipes so he could make more copes of the libortey tree. then criton wakes up on the law of dr. frales. a jient picks him up and puts him in his bed.

4. final preediction

4.1. there going to finde a way to get hary brown out of prison.

4.2. harry brown where washing ton is and this will lead to a rebel victory.

4.3. carto mite die

5. transgressions idle subversive indignant amiably indentured rancid peevishly rotund demure mundane indignant sacrilegious cryptic morbid antagonize indentured shrewd raucous infernal

6. vocab:

7. carector chart

7.1. lutenet hael

7.2. capten pres

7.3. benidict arneled

7.4. peter

7.5. sophe

7.6. begiman francle

8. swabs charter