Mind Mapping

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Mind Mapping por Mind Map: Mind Mapping

1. Pros

1.1. Can help students who work better visually

1.2. Conceptually clear and gives space for examples

1.3. if students are able to use online mind mapping applications it becomes a very valuable tool for collabortive learning as students can add to the ideas from anywhere

2. Cons

2.1. students may not understand how to use online concept mapping

2.2. students may get distracted by perfectionism when creating hand written concept maps

3. Applications

3.1. could be used as an online tool to get students notes when they are unable to make it to class. having a concept map going for each lesson that students can add to freely will create a space for questions to arise as well as a place for development of concepts with the ideas of every

3.2. how students lay out their concepts can give the teacher an idea of how to present lecture notes or future handouts

3.3. Graphical organizers used to represent the understanding of concepts by developing relationships between ideas

3.4. Parking lot concepts can be added to a concept map and connected to curriculum

4. Assessment

4.1. gives teacher an idea of what concepts students are missing most often and what concepts all students are clear on

4.2. Good way to change up assessment gives students different options to show they have learned something