Robot Ideas

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Robot Ideas por Mind Map: Robot Ideas

1. Maneuverable

1.1. Fit through all gates with out turning

1.1.1. 24" max height

1.2. Fit through Second Gate Set while going straight

1.2.1. 18" max width and length

1.3. Must not get cought on Coal or other game peices

1.3.1. 2.5" tall wheel base

2. Scoring

2.1. Must be Flexable in scoring opertunities

2.1.1. because of the point value of items changing we need to be able to change from one scoring stratigy to another mid competition Attachments? Attachments can be added for mixes of game peices but may waist time on creating unneeded solutions Multi Game peice Manipulator Most of the items can fall or be swept up to a bin, the bin can then be delivered to the spotter

2.2. Must diversify scoring oppertunites

2.2.1. because the value of pieces change on how often teams score items we need to get at least 3 different minerals per game

2.3. The filter is a difficult task and may not be worth the points

2.3.1. it requires 2 degrees of freedom and an arm

2.4. Getting the Core Samples back will reduce maneuverability and speed and may not be worth points

2.5. Getting the Pipe will be hard

2.5.1. 3 axis line up + rotational axis

2.5.2. item is large and will not fit through gates easly

3. Fast moving

3.1. There are no ramps or other high torque obstacles

3.2. getting to the high value center the fastest gets us more points

3.3. getting to the tie breaker could win us a match

3.3.1. we need the largest or highest gearing the large motors can give

3.3.2. we need the lightest weight robot while meeting our scoring needs

3.4. Gearing the Motors like last year lead to imput lag

3.4.1. Our wheels this year need to be direct driven