Identifying basic parts of speech within the english language. By Nate Hartsough

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Identifying basic parts of speech within the english language. By Nate Hartsough por Mind Map: Identifying basic parts of speech within the english language. By Nate Hartsough

1. Why is it important for people to learn how to identify basic parts of speech?

2. Being able to properly identify basic parts of speech allows people communicate effectively while using the English language.

3. The basic parts of speech are a noun, proper noun, common noun, Adjective, and a verb.

4. What is a Noun?

5. A noun may be identified as a person, place, or object. A cheeseburger and Kendrick Lamar are examples of nouns.

6. What is a proper noun?

7. A proper noun is a specific label used for a person, place, or organization. A proper noun is not a common object. Examples of a proper noun would be The Walking Dead or a particular celebrity, since they are a specific television show and person.

8. What is a common noun?

9. A common noun is a general object of everyday life, such as a fire hydrant or a piece of cheese. These are Common nouns because they do not carry a specific label within their title.

10. What is an adjective?

11. An adjective is a word that is used to describe a particular individual, animal, or place. Someone might say that a particular teacher is very boring. Boring is an adjective because it describes the teacher

12. What is a verb? A verb is a word used to describe an action. For instance a person may say “ That man ate an entire pizza by himself!”. The word ate is a verb because it is an action.