IT Serve Advocacy Project

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IT Serve Advocacy Project por Mind Map: IT Serve Advocacy Project

1. Operations

1.1. IT serve to create platform or applications only and recruit youth for content and legwork

1.1.1. Current IT serve has less Time

1.1.2. Recruit McCleng's group for marketing COntent

1.2. Stipend

1.2.1. IT serve to ask for stipend?

1.2.2. IT serve memebers to commit 1% to PW103 Alliance

1.3. Roman Catholics only?

1.3.1. Ask PW103 Alliance

2. Don Bosco Organization

2.1. Tuloy

2.2. AMPON

2.3. CYM

2.3.1. Mccleng to contact CYM

3. Similar to HandsOn Manila

3.1. Visit

4. Provide IT support to all PeaceWorks 103 Chapters

4.1. Create Peaceworks internetTV Channel

4.2. Peaceworks Portal

4.3. KASALy prayer hub

4.3.1. Outsiders can send prayer requests

4.3.2. SMS or emailbroadcast to other KASALy

5. Operate Digital Divide Philippines

5.1. Contact school organizations to adopt communities

5.2. Contact multinationals for excess Computers

5.3. Teaching communities IT (school or orgs)

5.4. Link in donation of computers to communicties