Minnesota Biomes

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Minnesota Biomes por Mind Map: Minnesota Biomes

1. Coniferous Forest

1.1. Evergreen trees that bear cones

1.1.1. spruce, fir, and tamarack trees

1.2. Cold winters, cool summers

2. Tallgrass Aspen Parkland

2.1. prairie and sedge fens with groves of aspens or bur oaks

2.1.1. Prairie grasses, flowers, aspen trees and bur oak trees

2.2. Extreme temperatures, dry conditions

3. Deciduous Forest

3.1. Trees that lose their leaves at the end of growing season.

3.1.1. Sugar maples,oaks, silver maples and cotton wood trees

3.2. warm, humid summers, cold winters

4. Prairie Grasslands

4.1. Extensive areas of flat or rolling grasslands

4.1.1. No trees, mainly grasses

4.2. rainfall is low, summer temps are high