Benny and Joon

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Benny and Joon por Mind Map: Benny and Joon

1. Mental institutions

1.1. Case Manager fails with inclusion ideas

1.2. Fails to equip Benny with independent living services

2. Joon

2.1. Talented artist, creatve outlet

2.2. Falls in love with Sam

2.3. What disorder does she have?

2.3.1. PTSD- Parents car accident

2.3.2. Autism or OCD- outbursts, routines that should not be interfered with, social deficits

2.3.3. Schizophrenia- says she hears voices

3. Benny

3.1. Devoted brother

3.2. Struggles to find social life

3.2.1. "Life is literally passing you by"

3.2.2. Can't have relationship without worrying about how Joon will fit

3.2.3. Finds Ruthie

3.3. Unequipped with best practices

3.3.1. Case manager only advises with group home ideas

4. Sam

4.1. Falls in love with Joon

4.2. Education level very low, wants to work but cannot complete application

4.3. "I used to look up to you. Now I can't look at you at all"