Sejal Rana-Feel The Burn- Physical Education-Grade 4-WalkSmart Book Pedometer Activities Lesson P...

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Sejal Rana-Feel The Burn- Physical Education-Grade 4-WalkSmart Book Pedometer Activities Lesson Plans- Virginial Technical Assistance Guide por Mind Map: Sejal Rana-Feel The Burn- Physical Education-Grade 4-WalkSmart Book Pedometer Activities Lesson Plans- Virginial Technical Assistance Guide

1. NJCCSS 2.2.4.B.3- Determine how technology influence health decisions 2.6.4.A.4- Determine which factors (technology) influence personal fitness 2.1.4.B.1- Explain how healthy eating provides energy 2.5.4.A.3- Explain and demonstrate movement sequences to various tempos, rhythm.

1.1. There could be math standards that could be implemented in this lesson because part of the lesson requires calorie conversion .

2. Technology Pedometer

3. DOES THE TECHNOLOGY USED SUPPORT TEACHING STRATEGIES? I believe the technology utilized does support Compare&Contrast, Get moving, monitor progress. It allows students to have data to support their results and answers for assessment questions.

4. Strategies (Strategies weren't clearly stated but rather associated with the goals of the lesson based on knowledge) STUDENT CENTERED- Monitor Progress Form groups Get moving Work together Compare& Contrast Take Notes TEACHER CENTERED Share ideas and opinions

5. The pedometer allows students to monitor how many steps are taken during each activity so they can compare and contrast

6. The pedometer can also be a tool that motivates them to move at a certain pace and also teaches students how much energy can be expended during each activity