Christian attitude to pre-martial sex

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Christian attitude to pre-martial sex por Mind Map: Christian attitude to pre-martial sex

1. Liberal Christians

1.1. Some accept prep martial sex because sex is imporant in a loving relationship where no one involved is harmed or exploited

2. Anglican Christians (Church of England)

2.1. The Church of England believes marriage is God's gift to humanity and is the proper place for a sexual relationship and children.

2.2. The Church of England recognize that there are many types of family relationships in todays society

2.3. Still believe people should marry, and regret that more and more people are not marrying

2.4. They think that a change in attitude towards sexual relationships would lead to more family breakdowns and children being hurt.

3. Christians in General

3.1. Sex is an act of love and commitment that should be part of a meaningful loving relationship. This is why Christians think pre-martial sex is wrong.

3.2. Some Christians might accept it if marriage is to follow in the relationship

3.3. Promiscuity is wrong as well, because it makes sex an animal behavior without love or meaning.

3.4. In the 10 commandments, it is stated that adultery is wrong, and adultery breaks one of the vows in the Christian marriage ceremony

4. Roman Catholics

4.1. Roman Catholic church teaches that sex only belongs within a marriage where "a man and a woman belong to each other in a permanent, exclusive, sexual relationship."

4.2. The Roman Catholics rejects all forms of sex outside marriage

4.3. "All these situations offend against the dignity of marriage; they destroy the idea of the family; weaken the sense of fidelity. They are contrary to the moral law. The sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage. Outside of marriage it always constitutes a grave sin and excludes one from sacramental communion." - Catechism of the Catholic Church 2390

4.4. "Human love does not tolerate 'trial marriages'". - Catechism of the Catholic Church 2391

5. Evangelical Christians

5.1. Many Evangelical Christians believe that sex outside of marriage is wrong because the bible says so

5.2. So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. - 2 Timothy 2:22