Engineering Strategy

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Engineering Strategy por Mind Map: Engineering Strategy

1. Standards Procedures and Documentation

1.1. Backlog

1.2. VCCS

1.3. SPAG Process?

2. Contractors

2.1. Safety

2.2. Standards

3. Reporting & Governance

3.1. Frequency

3.2. COntent

3.3. KPIs

3.4. Meetings

3.5. Calender

4. Safety Strategy

4.1. Meetings

4.1.1. Frequency

4.1.2. Minutes

4.2. RATS

4.3. SO Reports

4.4. Role of SHE Reps

4.5. SILO

5. Trainng

5.1. CDS

5.2. Technical Trainnig

5.3. Developmental & Supervisory

5.4. ARPL

5.5. Servicemen

5.6. Artisan Development

5.7. EITs

6. Communications Strategy

6.1. Incident Reports and Communications

6.2. General Comms

6.3. Frequency e.g. Daily, Weekly, Monthly

6.4. Content

7. Processes

7.1. Planning Process

7.2. Notifications

8. Stakeholder Management

8.1. Production Depts

8.1.1. Production

8.1.2. Employees

8.2. Employes

8.3. Shareholder

9. Continuous Improvement

9.1. Benchmarking

9.2. Innovation

9.3. R&D

9.4. Suggestion Scheme

10. Enablers

10.1. Spares & Procurement

10.2. SAP & Collaborit

11. Energy Management

11.1. Cost Savings Initiatives

11.2. Energy Savings Projects

12. Asset Management

12.1. AO

12.2. Planning

12.3. SAP & Collaborit