HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimension...

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HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of Dance por Mind Map: HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of Dance

1. Students will analyze the function of dance in past and present cultures throughout the world.

2. Students will analyze the development of dance in past and present cultures throughout the world.

3. Students will note human diversity as it relates to dance & dancers.

4. Students will perform dances that reflect the geographical place in which the dances are performed.

5. Students will describe dances that reflect the geographical place in which the dances are performed.

6. Create a pamphlet for a travel agency about a place you are advertising to get people visit. As part of the advertising, describe (and show pictures of) a dance that reflects the geographical place in which the dance is performed.

7. Create a poster advertising for a multicultural dance studio.

8. Create a poster showing the development of dance from the past and present cultures.

9. Make a short movie interviewing 3 different people from differenent cultures who dance at the multicultural dance studio.

10. Choose a geographical place and learn a dance from that place. Have someone film you and your partners performing the dance.