Desirability of Market Structure

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Desirability of Market Structure por Mind Map: Desirability of Market Structure

1. Hairdressing Industry in Singapore

1.1. What is the market structure present?

1.1.1. How do you know?

1.2. What is desirable about this market structure?

1.3. What is undesirable about this market structure?

1.4. In your opinion, is this this market structure desirable in this context? Why?

1.5. How do you know?

2. Diamonds

2.1. What is the market structure present?

2.1.1. How do you know?

2.2. What is desirable about this market structure?

2.3. What is undesirable about this market structure?

2.4. In your opinion, is this this market structure desirable in this context? Why?

2.5. How do you know?

3. Singapore Stock Exchange

3.1. What is the market structure present?

3.1.1. How do you know?

3.2. What is desirable about this market structure?

3.3. What is undesirable about this market structure?

3.4. In your opinion, is this this market structure desirable in this context? Why?

3.5. How do you know?

4. Water in Singapore

4.1. What is the market structure present?

4.1.1. How do you know?

4.2. What is desirable about this market structure?

4.3. What is undesirable about this market structure?

4.4. In your opinion, is this this market structure desirable in this context? Why?

5. Telecommunications Industry in Singapore

5.1. What is the market structure present?

5.1.1. How do you know?

5.2. What is desirable about this market structure?

5.3. What is undesirable about this market structure?

5.4. In your opinion, is this this market structure desirable in this context? Why?

5.5. How do you know?