Excessive use of technology

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Excessive use of technology por Mind Map: Excessive use of technology

1. Becoming socially awkward

1.1. Not being able to interact properly with people around you.

1.2. Becomes a disability in every aspect; finding a job, getting into school, etc.

1.3. Becoming distant with those you love

2. More time spent indoors

2.1. Less desire to exercise

2.2. Eating more

2.3. Missing out on opportunities

2.4. Becoming too lazy to do anything but sit at home

3. Time

3.1. Not being productive

3.2. Losing important relationships

3.3. Not accomplishing anything worthwhile

3.4. Losing money on time not well-spent

3.5. Losing jobs

4. Addiction to devices

4.1. No time for family

4.2. No social life outside of devices

4.3. Loss of self-control

5. Dependency on technology

5.1. Become illiterate

5.2. Less opportunity to use our minds

5.3. Lower common sense

5.4. Dependency on unreliable sources

6. Peer Pressure

6.1. Physical Insecurity

6.2. More susceptible to outside influences

6.3. Being mislead