The Marriage Contract

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The Marriage Contract por Mind Map: The Marriage Contract

1. 2. Spouse are entitles to receive benefits that may come from when a spouse is deceased.

2. 1. The spouses are both required to support each other (financially) and hopefully emotionally.

3. There are specific rights and duties of the marriage that are outlined and expected:

4. The engagement is called the "executory" stage of the marriage.

5. One party can sue if the other does not agree to go through with the "marriage contract" by ending the engagement.


7. When Does the Marriage Contract Begin?

8. At the time of engagement: this means as soon as the other says "Yes" to a proposal to be married - NOT when they say "I do" at the alter.

9. The Basics

10. Rights and Duties

11. 3. Spouses have the right to property (unless otherwise stated in a will or some other writing) is a spouse is to pass.

12. 4. There is also a right to compensation for the ability to continue a standard of living if your spouse is to die.

13. 5. The right to file a joint tax return. Meaning having to pay out less and possibly recieve more.

14. The "Prenup"

15. Prohibited Marriages

16. The prenuptial agreement must be in WRITING and SIGNED. These things can be included:

17. Property and Ownership

18. Rights to buy and sell property

19. Changes in support if marriage ends

20. Children from previous marriages and how custody is divided or agreed upon if the marriage is to end

21. Benefits that may come with the ownership of life insurance (funeral costs, housing costs, debts, medical bills, etc.)


23. No brothers, sisters, parents, stepparents, cousins, etc.

24. There are two types of realative relationships: direct and by marriage

25. Bigamy and Polygamy

26. Bigamy: being married to two people at one time

27. Polygamy: being married to more than two people at a time

28. The 1st marriage is valid - all others are void.