Double trilogists

A list of those successful actors who have appeared in more than one blockbusting trilogy.

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Double trilogists por Mind Map: Double trilogists

1. Hugo Weaving

1.1. Matrix

1.2. Lord of the Rings

2. Sylvester Stallone

2.1. Rambo

2.2. Rocky

3. Patrick Stewart

3.1. X-Men

3.2. Star Trek

4. Eddie Murphy

4.1. Shrek

4.2. Beverly Hills Cop

5. Michael York

5.1. Austin Powers

5.2. Three Musketeers

6. Mel Gibson

6.1. Lethal Weapon

6.2. Mad Max

7. Michael J Fox

7.1. Stuart Little

7.2. Back to the Future

8. Ben Stiller

8.1. Meet the parents

8.2. Madagascar

9. Tim Allen

9.1. The Santa Claus

9.2. Toy Story

10. Antonio Banderas

10.1. Shrek

10.2. Spy kids

11. Matt Damon

11.1. Bourne

11.2. Ocean's Eleven

12. Harrison Ford

12.1. Star Wars

12.2. Indiana Jones

13. Mike Myers

13.1. Shrek

13.2. Austin Powers

14. Clint Eastwood

14.1. Dirty Harry

14.2. Fistful of Dollars

15. Orlando Bloom

15.1. Pirates of the Carribbean

15.2. Lord of the Rings

16. Jackie Chan

16.1. Rush Hour

16.2. Police Story