Xiaowei Zhan

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Xiaowei Zhan por Mind Map: Xiaowei Zhan

1. Education

1.1. Tsinghua University, Automation, 01-05

1.2. University of Minnesota - Duluth, Math & Stats, 05-07

1.3. University of Michigan, Biostats, 07-Now

2. Experience

2.1. Duluth

2.1.1. The MOST beautiful town

2.1.2. Pictures

3. Study

3.1. Statistics is interesting (this statement is not random)

3.2. Categorical Analysis

3.3. Longitudinal Analysis

3.4. Survival Analysis

3.5. Generalized Linear Model

4. Interests

4.1. Sports: Badminton, swimming, basketball

4.2. Computer: IT jokes, fun gadgets...

5. Contact

5.1. [email protected]

5.2. 734-546-9235

5.3. 1420 Washington Heights, SPH II, Cross Tower 4612, Ann Arbor, MI 48109