Marketing Presentation

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Marketing Presentation por Mind Map: Marketing Presentation

1. Delivery

1.1. Retail stores

1.2. Online distribution

2. Differentiation

2.1. Why my product/service

2.1.1. New level of immersion

2.2. Value back to the customer

2.2.1. Revolutionary all-in-one device with a new way to interact with media

3. E-business

3.1. Sell through online distributors (eg. Amazon)

3.2. Host website to sell product

3.3. Advertisements (eg. Youtube, Google, Facebook, etc.)

4. Research

4.1. Licence holographic technology, like Sony with blu-ray

5. Applied marketing and strategy

6. Analysis and preparation

7. Triple bottom line

7.1. Profit

7.1.1. First product of it's kind on the market = dominance of hologram market

7.2. People

7.2.1. Opportunity to learn certain topics more effectively without equipment (eg. Doctors-in-training)

7.3. Planet

7.3.1. No physical screen = less hardware = less waste

8. PEP

9. Present value chain

9.1. Computers, smart phones, TV's

9.1.1. Confined to 2-dimensions

9.2. Virtual Reality

9.2.1. Impractical & cumbersome

10. Alliances

10.1. Microsoft

10.1.1. Manufacturing & distribution

10.2. Samsung

10.2.1. Work together to develop portablr holographic projectors

11. 80% Visual

12. Prior prototype

12.1. Holographic computer

13. Two different customers

13.1. Businesses

13.2. Average consumer

14. Cost structure

14.1. Licensing fee for commercial use

14.2. Purchase individual units/in bulk