4 learning theories

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4 learning theories por Mind Map: 4 learning theories

1. Bloom's taxonamie

1.1. creating

1.2. evaluating

1.3. analyzing

1.4. applying

1.5. understanding

1.6. remembering

2. Infographic

2.1. kinesthetic

2.2. verbal

2.3. mathematical

2.4. visual

2.5. aural

2.6. interpersonal

2.7. intrapersonal

3. Schijf van vijf

3.1. Leren door handelen

3.2. inhoudsgerichte verwerking

3.3. vormgerichte bewerking

3.4. output

3.5. strategisch handelen

4. Task based learning

4.1. listening tasks

4.2. sorting and ordering

4.3. comparing

4.4. problem-solving

4.5. sharing personal experience

4.6. creative tasks