Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner in information technology.

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Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner in information technology. por Mind Map: Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner in information technology.

1. Is the use of digital tools in the information technology field a good strategy for academic success?

1.1. Makes the student take the intiative to learn

1.2. provides a richer learning experience

1.3. Wikis and blogs allow students to work collaboratively and share their work with a limited or unlimited number of people

2. Consider how these tools can be used outside of the classroom

2.1. social media

2.2. tablets , smartphones, laptops

2.3. training

3. the challenges of using digital tools in the classroom

3.1. age

3.2. technophobia

3.3. anxiety

4. Wankel, C., & Blessinger, P. (Eds.). (2013). Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher Education, Volume 6G : Increasing Student Engagement and Retention in e-Learning Environments : Web 2.0 and Blended Learning Technologies. Bradford, GBR: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Retrieved from

5. Greener, S., & Wakefield, C. (2015). Developing confidence in the use of digital tools in teaching. Electronic Journal of E-Learning, 13(4), 260-267. Retrieved from

6. Beato, G. (2015). Turning to education for fun.

7. Huang, J., & Russell, S. (2006). The digital divide and academic achievement. The Electronic Library, 24(2), 160-173. doi: