Interactive Storytelling in Museums

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Interactive Storytelling in Museums por Mind Map: Interactive Storytelling in Museums

1. Other

1.1. Evaluation!??!

1.2. Point 2

1.3. Point 3

2. Forms

2.1. stories created by visitors ("what touches me")

2.2. History of the making of the art

2.2.1. Tying other stories to the story of the work / net of stories

2.3. branching (contrafactual)

2.4. plot based (user as hero)

2.5. Virtual reality for changing role

3. does plot block ambiguity?

4. Goals

4.1. visitors

4.2. sense to artefacts

4.3. real feelings, very personal (idenfifying)

4.4. Weapons Museum

4.5. Spirit

4.5.1. giving live to artefacts

4.5.2. explaining live of romans

4.5.3. entertainment

4.6. Personalization

4.7. mission (education)

4.8. entertainment, enjoyment

4.9. unique experience, disconnet

4.9.1. life change?

5. Problems

5.1. authoring

5.2. interpreting art with work of art (interactive story)

5.3. physical (hand up, holding tab)

5.4. web of stories => isolated stories

5.4.1. reframing somehow with a final statemant?

5.5. Tablet interfers with experience

5.5.1. Learing before exposition?