Supporting your ideals

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Supporting your ideals por Mind Map: Supporting your ideals

1. Research Tools

1.1. Read

1.2. Avaliable Information

1.2.1. Recycling Trends

1.2.2. Projects

1.2.3. Ideas

1.2.4. Implementation plans

1.3. Analyze

2. Glosary

2.1. Key terms

2.2. Cite information

2.3. Reading strategies

3. justify our project

3.1. Means to explain

3.1.1. What your motivations?

3.1.2. Developing this project

3.2. Used to show

3.2.1. project is of ultimate Importance

3.3. To justify we need this questions

3.3.1. why

3.3.2. How

3.3.3. Who

3.3.4. What

4. Purpose

4.1. Explain

4.1.1. s

4.2. Describe

4.3. Apply

4.4. Find Out

4.5. Define

4.6. Assess

4.7. Identify

4.8. Analyze

4.9. Compare

4.10. Create

4.11. Defend

4.12. Discover

5. Tips before creating a justification

5.1. Research in depth

5.1.1. The issue of the project

5.2. Research for projects

5.2.1. That have already addressed similar issues.

5.3. Write in simple words

5.3.1. What your project is about

5.3.2. What your main goal is

5.4. Link your project

5.4.1. To your social reality

5.5. Create

5.5.1. Consistent

5.5.2. Direct

5.5.3. Impressive paragraph.

6. Examples

6.1. What

6.1.1. What is the purpose of our project?

6.2. Who

6.2.1. Who are going to be involved?

6.3. Why

6.3.1. Why do we want to do this?

6.4. How

6.4.1. How are we going to develop the project?