My eportfolio

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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My eportfolio por Mind Map: My eportfolio

1. Web design

1.1. This site

1.1.1. What ive done

2. Photos

2.1. Photos taken by me

2.2. Inspiration

2.3. Random photos i like

3. My bookshelf

3.1. Shellfari

3.2. embedding

4. My intrests

4.1. Mario

4.2. Kingdom Hearts

4.3. Zelda

4.4. Sonic

4.5. Badminton

5. My Tumblr blog

5.1. Posting about media lessons

5.2. RSS feed

5.3. Intersting types of formats posted

6. homepage

6.1. Voki

6.2. Information