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Artifacts por Mind Map: Artifacts

1. Lothair Crystal

2. Early Writing Tablet

3. Culture

4. King Den's Scandal Label

5. Rosetta Stone

6. Warren Cup

7. Parthenon

8. Royalty

9. Head of Alexander Coin

10. Basse Yutz Flagons

11. Statue of Ramsses II

12. Gold Coin of Croseus

13. Head of Augustus

14. Hoxne Pepper Pot

15. Bayeux Tapestry

16. Olduvais Chopping Tool

17. Hinton St Mary Mosaic

18. Hagia Sophia

19. Religion

20. Flood Tablet

21. Standard or Ur

22. Currency

23. Battle/Weaponry

24. Sutton Hoo Helmet

25. Jade Axe

26. Olduvais Hand Axe