Taccle 3 (O1)

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Taccle 3 (O1) por Mind Map: Taccle 3 (O1)

1. Curriculum

1.1. 21st Century skills

1.2. Ages and stages

1.3. Curriculum Examples

1.3.1. Estonia

1.3.2. UK

1.3.3. Finland

2. Early learning and computational thinking (Lessons)

2.1. 1. Overview

2.2. 2. Aim

2.3. 3. 21ST Century Skills

2.4. 4. Ages

2.5. 5. Lesson

2.6. 6. Tools

2.7. 7. component of coding

2.7.1. logical reasoning

2.7.2. algorithm

2.7.3. decomposition

2.7.4. abstraction

2.7.5. patterns

2.7.6. evaluation

2.8. 8. level

2.8.1. beginner

2.9. 9. overview

3. Tools

3.1. Exploring proprietary software solutions

3.2. Raspberry Pi and Arduino

3.3. Languages / platform

3.4. Tangible user interfaces.