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Careers por Mind Map: Careers

1. Career Opportunties

1.1. welcome message and CTA's to career paths by category

1.2. Plant Operations

1.2.1. Building Maintenance

1.2.2. Carpenter

1.2.3. Custodian

1.2.4. Electrician

1.2.5. Equipment Maint

1.2.6. Groundskeeper

1.2.7. Laundry

1.2.8. Locksmith

1.2.9. Maintenance Mechanic

1.2.10. Materials and Stores

1.2.11. Painter

1.2.12. Pest Control

1.2.13. Plumber

1.2.14. Stationery Engineer

1.2.15. Water and Sewage Plan Sup

2. Job Vacancies

3. Employee Onboarding

4. Correctional Careers

5. Employee Resources

6. Exams

6.1. Careers

6.2. Rehabilitation

6.3. Marketing Space

7. FAQ's

7.1. Strategic Plan ?