ELL Programs Comparison

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ELL Programs Comparison por Mind Map: ELL Programs Comparison

1. Title III

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. Michigan State program for language instruction for limited English proficient and immigrant students.

1.2. Guiding Principles

1.2.1. Native language proficiency contributes to second language acquisition

1.2.2. Language processes develop interdependently

1.2.3. Language acquisition is a long-term process

1.2.4. Language is functional

1.2.5. Language acquisition occurs through meaningful use and interaction

1.2.6. Language learning is cultural learning

1.3. Teaching Strategy

2. Bilingual Immersion

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. A portion of the national bilingual immersion program is the BCIRC (bilingual cooperative integrated reading and composition).

2.2. Guiding Questions

2.2.1. How long have the students lived in the US

2.2.2. What type of prior schooling have the students received and in what languages

2.2.3. What is the students' level of background knowledge in the content area

2.3. Activities

2.3.1. Building background and vocabulary

2.3.2. Making predicitions

2.3.3. Reading a selection

2.3.4. Partner reading

2.4. Teaching Strategy