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Government por Mind Map: Government

1. Ancient Greece started a democracy in Athens

2. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at a Constitutin in the United States of America

2.1. This did not allow for the government to tax, judge or regulate trade

3. The Constitution was made based off of state constitutions, the social contract, and British tradition. The Constitution had popular sovereignty, judicial review, federalism, separation of powers, limited government,and checks and balances

4. The Magna Carta is created to give equal power for all

5. Philosophes:

5.1. Hobbes believed in absolute rule and believed that humans were brutal

5.2. John Locke believed that humans were brutal but believed we had certain natural rights

5.3. Montesquieu believed in a separation of powers within a government so one could not over another

5.4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that civilization was corrupt and we needed government with direct democracy

6. All philosophes wanted a social contract to be in place