Thriller Conventions In Film

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Thriller Conventions In Film por Mind Map: Thriller Conventions In Film

1. Sound

1.1. Non-diegetic

1.2. Music

1.3. Progressive

1.4. Mysterious

1.5. Low notes

1.6. High string instruments

1.7. Violins

1.8. Spine chilling

1.9. Soundeffects

1.9.1. Rain

1.9.2. Screams

1.9.3. Heartbeat

1.9.4. Explosions

1.9.5. Hyperbolic sounds

1.9.6. Punches

1.10. Diegetic sound to create realism

2. Camera work

2.1. Short takes

2.2. Fast pace

2.3. POV shots

2.4. Extreme close ups

2.5. Close ups

3. Iconography

3.1. Urban setting

3.2. Cars

3.3. Tension building music

3.4. Fast paced editing

3.5. Low lighting

3.6. Rural setting

3.7. suburban setting

4. Narratives of thriller

4.1. Plots contain characters which have conflict with outside forces.

4.2. Linear, Omniscient

4.3. Non- linear, Restricted iconography.

4.4. Guns, Conflict, Powerful supporting character, dim lighting.

5. Feelings created when watching thrillers

5.1. Suspense, anticipation, anxiety, uncertainty, excitement, tension.

6. Lighting

6.1. Low key lighting

6.2. Flashing strobe lighting- suggests confusion or danger

6.3. High key lighting

7. Common Effects

7.1. Slow motion

7.2. Flash cuts

7.3. Wash ins

7.4. Wash outs

7.5. Flash backs

7.6. Flash forewards

8. Location

8.1. Cities

8.2. Populated areas

8.3. Urban settings

8.4. Rural settings

9. Characters

9.1. Stalkers, Innocent victims, psychotic individuals, people involved in twisted relationships.

10. Themes

10.1. Psychological mind games, chase, suspense, crime.

10.2. True story, hostage.

10.3. Isolation

11. What is thriller?

11.1. a novel, play, or film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage.