Effect of dioctyl phtalate (DOP) modified matrix on the thermal stability of glass fiber reinforc...

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Effect of dioctyl phtalate (DOP) modified matrix on the thermal stability of glass fiber reinforced composite. por Mind Map: Effect of dioctyl phtalate (DOP) modified matrix on the thermal stability of glass fiber reinforced composite.

1. Thermal Analysis

1.1. 25 ml sample of polyester modified is heated 10ºC/min from 30 ºC to 900ºC

2. Modification of the polyester Investigation Unsaturated

2.1. 150ml of unsaturated solution of polyester

2.2. 2%wt methyl ethyl ketone is added and 2%wt cobalt accelerator is added

3. Production of composite materials

3.1. coposite prepared with matrix modified

3.2. results compared

3.3. mould convered and transferred to a carver lab

4. Polymers applications.

4.1. Polymers applications.

4.1.1. aerospace, defence,transportation

4.2. Polymers applications.

4.2.1. aerospace, defence,transportation