Problem in electric #windows

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Problem in electric #windows por Mind Map: Problem in electric #windows

1. Do you hear a mechanical sound from the window?

1.1. No, I cannot hear any sound

1.1.1. This means that the problem is of electric nature

2. The mechanical components of the window are faulty

3. The problem is of electric nature

3.1. The #window_switch has a problem

3.1.1. You can use contact spray Contact spray might help in occasions where the switch is not functioning properly, but it has still some functionality. Now it is dead!

3.1.2. Replace the #window_switch You can use the #window_switch from the right window Great idea! it worked

3.2. The #electronic_control_unit has a problem

3.2.1. That should be the last solution

4. Should I replace the #battery?

4.1. Does the engine start?

4.1.1. Yes! Everything else is working Therefore, the battery is not relevant to your problem!