What we need to know to read Justin Kazar

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What we need to know to read Justin Kazar por Mind Map: What we need to know to read Justin Kazar

1. Ch 7 - Background Knowledge

1.1. Having background knowledge more easily makes literature make sense to students.

1.2. Sometimes background knowledge can be distracting - practice concentrating on the text rather than irrelevant connections made from the text.

1.3. Any connection is better than none - but with simple and "common" connection, keep asking the student how the connection made them better understand the text.

1.4. Compare notes before and after reading - what did the student think they knew, and what preconceptions can be replaced with new knowledge?

2. Ch 4 - Comprehension Instruction

2.1. Think aloud - encourage sharing thoughts, questions, and background knowledge. This is very stimulating for conversation.

2.2. Reading aloud - students should be read to on a daily basis. Being read to encourages independent thinking and analysis.

2.3. Note taking is important! Don't simply highlight - encourage deeper understanding by writing notes, making connection between text and life, and keep track of everything learned.

2.4. Reread for deeper understanding - no text can be fully analyzed by only reading it once!

3. Ch 3 - Teaching, Tone, and Assessment

3.1. Model teach - show students how, don't tell them how

3.2. Teach with the end in mind, and have a clear plan

3.3. Encourage students to talk about what they are reading and writing. Encourage open ended questions so they will need to think about their work. Yes and no answers don't encourage deep thinking.

3.4. Build a literature community - have many genres, schedule blocks of writing and reading, encourage curious minds.