Cognitive Theories

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Cognitive Theories por Mind Map: Cognitive Theories

1. Jennifer Seidel's individual perspectives on cognitive development: the way in which people's cognitive abilities develop over time from their interactions with the world.

2. Piaget

2.1. "children are intrinsically motivated to make sense of their world and self-construct increasingly complex understandings of it through the two complementary processes of assimilation and accomomodation (Ormrod 51).

2.2. Four stages: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete, and Formative

3. Shared perspective on cognitive developement:

4. X's individual perspectives on cognitive development:

5. Vygotsky

5.1. "social activities are are often precursors to and form the basis for complex mental processes: Children initially use new skills in the course of interacting with adults or peers and slowly internalize and adapt these skills for their own, independent use" (Ormrod 52).