Morals of Echo and Narcissus

This is a sample mind map.

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Morals of Echo and Narcissus por Mind Map: Morals of Echo and Narcissus

1. Transformation

1.1. Narcissus transforms into the white Narcissus flower that leans ever so slightly towards the water's edge.

1.2. Echo, in some retelling turns into a invisible voice, her body turns to dust and her bones turn to stone.

2. Vanity

2.1. Narcissus's vain ways after seeing himself caused him to, in some stories, starve as he never left the water's edge. Such an obsession with your own self is dangerous.

3. Lust Not Love

3.1. Echo is enraptured by Narcissus's beauty she does not feel love but lust as does Narcissus when he sees himself. It is important to not get these feelings confused or you could end up unnecessarily heartbroken.